Eastern culture vs western culture pdf file

Language is a part of culture, and plays a very important role in the development of the culture. Western culture was greatly influenced by modernization, this is true but the catch is that marriage should be built with love, trust, care, loyalty and other aspects. Some sociologists consider it as the keystone of culture. Differences between eastern and western cultures by graphic artist yang liu has a sharp eye for cultural comparison, honed by personal. There are many differences when it comes to culture in the workplace, not to mention working remotely. We might want to look at the question another way, and that is which culture is more sustainable. What are the key differences between eastern and western. Westerners assert a lot more independence and individualism. Pdf version of the post so that you too can become a culture master. They believe, without language, culture would not be available. So many people in the west forget that buddhism came from india and buddhas enlightenment h. Markus and conner looked at a range of environments, from class room participation to ways of parenting, between students from eastern and western cultures. How lenovo mixed eastern and western cultures to take a. Western, especially american management theory abroad hofstede, 1980, laurent, 1986.

Cultural psychologists hazel rose markus and alana conner studied different ways of being, or what they term the independent and interdependent selves. Why eastern and western cultures tackle learning differently. The differences between east and west in terms of culture and. It concludes by putting forth viable options as a panacea for africa to come out of its cultural logjam. The difference in power distance and protecting your image is clearly visible between eastern and western cultures.

Qi baishi, a renowned painter of traditional chinese painting, famous for painting shrimps could bring subjects to life within seconds. Western people often lead the eastern people, but not the opposite. Blue western culture red eastern culture anger displeasure. In analyzing any culture or mythology, a proper understanding of the role.

These differences can be noted for the most part in peoples behavior and attitudes. The way thinking east west wholistic particular position yourself east hierarchy west equality. When it comes to emotions, eastern and western cultures. Despite their many unique attributes, there are some broad similarities among these interesting peoples that carry more or less throughout the asia region. Both indian culture and western culture are right at their places. Asian business customs asia consists of many ancient cultures with diverse religions, beliefs and life philosophies. In western societies, there is more emphasis on independence on how seniors live their lives. We want to submit that the creation and maintenance of identity is one of the most fundamental challenges of the human mind zhou et al. Aesthetic preferences for eastern and western traditional. Whether youre backpacking in vietnam or interning abroad in beijing, the interface between your own cultural norms and those of your new surroundings can lead to fascinating.

An essential comparison the christian religion taught that man is made from the image of god. The visual artist and designer based in germany yang liu, created a series of graphs that explains the differences between eastern and western culture. One of the main contrasts within this diversity of cultures is the differences between the east and the west. Its easier to find a fit girl that lives a healthier lifestyle and go the gym, just compare a park in a major metropolis in a western country. First, i want to define eastern culture as asian not including indian for this answer. Pdf on jan 1, 1997, mia spizzica and others published cultural differences between western and eastern education find, read and cite all the. Difference between eastern and western culture compare. A team of researchers from canada and japan have uncovered some remarkable results on how eastern and western cultures assess situations very differently. Eastern and western music in azerbaijan azerbaijan is a country that sits on the edge of eastern europe and western asia which has an indigenous, traditional eastern style art music called mugham.

Hofstede, for example, argued that western management theories reflect the cultural environment in which they were written. If you notice in contracts, agreements and appointment, the cultural differences can be huge. When it comes to business communication and decision making, both east and west have different points of view and stances. Differences between family in western and eastern culture. Journal of international business and cultural studies. A popular view of culture o culture is all about food, language, dress, customs, holidays, etc. When westerners are unhappy, their emotions can be easily perceived through body language, facial expression, and tone. This is an insightful understanding of eastern culture vs. It is possible to see the difference in solving the problem. The world we live in is made out of a vast differing quality of distinctive societies. East and west may have myriad differences based on culture and education. For the western culture, the person is on the first place, but if we compare it with the eastern culture, there the person is not on the first place.

As each culture operates out of its own logic, each culture has to be analyzed on the basis of its own logical structure. Finally, the attitudes toward love in the east and the west arent the same. Communication differences between eastern and western. The characteristics of each culture are shown in its peoples behavior. Eastern culture is the ensemble of beliefs, customs and traditions that distinguishes the people of eastern part of the world, made up of the far east, west asia, central asia, north asia and south asia. For example, when chinese people love a person, they dont say, i love you. West page 1 of 24 western culture eastern culture blue. Why eastern and western cultures tackle learning differently for the most part in american culture, intellectual struggle in school children is seen as an indicator of weakness, while in eastern.

In this corner, from western europe, you know em, ya love em, ya cant live without em, lets hear it for western whos ya daddy culture. As i stand here in the middle of the dance floor at my brothers wedding, listening to the very punjabi bhangra music blasting on the wall speakers, i walk the fine line between being conservative indian those of ivy league chemical engineering phds, of having no less than 50 cousins, of spending every spare. Chapter 2 business culture in china as chinese business culture is rooted in a distinctive, indigenous, philosophical, and cultural heritage dating back thousands of years, many foreign business people may nd it challenging to understand chinese managerial ideology. How lenovo mixed eastern and western cultures to take a chinese firm g. Analysis of cultural differences between west and east citeseerx. People from western cultures on the other hand are more individualistic and use low context communication, meaning they use concrete language and direct communication to get their point across. Eastern and western cultures differ with one another in a wide range of point of view. The modern culture of western europe and north america. Exploring a different culture is one of the most rewarding activities anyone can throw themselves into.

Chinese participants gave higher aesthetic scores to traditional chinese paintings than western paintings. Pdf cultural differences between western and eastern education. The results showed that americans, but not east asians, were less attentive to indirect cues in work than nonwork settings and that eastwest differences in indirectness were greater in work than nonwork settings. Lets identify those differences to help ease the transition. For last few decades, indian culture has been influenced by the western culture, and they are adopting the merits of the western culture like cleanliness, equal rights for both men and women, frankness, etc. The research of the differences between chinese and. Western culture that is different from eastern culture is the education system. The differences between east and west in terms of culture.

Comparison between western and middle eastern cultures. Im glad my book will help people get closer to another culture, and to be able to laugh about themselves, and that it. Differences between eastern and western cultures fubiz media. Avinash baxla 14pgp009 choudhari amit prakash 14pgp012 dhende suraj prabhakar 14pgp015 e vishal manikandan 14pgp017 ratish kumar mishra 14pgp037. Mugham is an integral part of the azerbaijani national identity which is more asian in flavor, and is a. Based on her own experience, she tries, through minimalist visualizations, to transmit, in the simplest of ways, his feelings against the gap that exists between these two cultures. Based mostly on buddhism, hinduism, confucianism, islam. Eastern culture usually refers to asia and the far east. Motion graphic class fall2015 this is from my class assignment to show the animated. Firstly, western systems of education focus on creative thoughts. Difference between indian culture and western culture. At the same time, language is influenced and shaped by culture, it reflects culture. Cultural stereotypes explained in 10 simple pictograms. A western subject looking at a western picture is supported in his feeling of cultural identity, and the same is true for an eastern subject when looking at an eastern picture.

While there are important variations and distinct differences. The international business negotiation is not only the communication and cooperation in the economic domain, but the communication of culture among various. Eastern culture vs western culture linkedin slideshare. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Watts, who is known for his interpretations of eastern philosophy and mythology. Approaches worldviews from the perspective of a cultural hybrid of both eastern and western culture. Second, as there are so many countries both in the eastern and western parts of the globe, and each country has its own peculiar culture and cocultures, when. Education, eastern culture, and western values top. Western culture eastern culture blue western culture red eastern culture life of the elderly seniors in eastern societies tend to stay at home to raise the grandchildren. Western vs eastern culture free download as powerpoint presentation. Many think that business negotiations fail due to technical difficulties such as lack of preparation and planning.

Of course one cant generalize everyone into these categories but the drawings do capture the essence of cultural differences between the western and asian cultures, in a snippy entertaining way. Therefore, it can be concluded that western management can not be separated from western culture. Differences between eastern and western cultures youtube. It is difficult to work on a relationship that is purely based on love, but the thing is, as the quote love conquers all would like to express, love is the main ingredient. Chinese and western participants showed preferences for their own cultures paintings. The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people. Colonialism, culture, development, governance, liberal. This mytake is for those guys that prefer the eastern culture women to western culture girls. In easterners, its a little more difficult to tell how someone is feeling. Western culture mendy wang s we know, the differences between eastern and western cultures are numerous, because eastern and western people not only live in different environments but also are educated in distinctively different ways. When freelancers first begin working with western companies or clients, these differences may come as a surprise. As the common saying goes, there are three luxuries in ones life.

Uses the unique method of playing both cultural roles to give the reader a more insightful understanding of eastern and western cultural differences through the eyes of each worldview. I found the content online and it seems interesting so i did the animation. A brief history of western culture article khan academy. Differences between family in western and eastern culture essay sample.

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